News Hub

7 March 2024

We heard your requests for a new feature and we have delivered as promised.
Administrators can now see the Bulk Extraction option in the CallFinder interface when the query results are displayed.
The Bulk Extraction takes all the calls returned in the search query, converts them to mp3 format files and adds them to a Zip file.
Administrators can then download the zip file and email or share it with the intended recipients.

10 January 2024

We thank Clientele Life for the opportunity to showcase our CallFinder product. Clientele Life have begun a Proof Of Concept engagement of our CallFinder On-Prem solution in their contact center.

The POC includes 3 database connectors and we added the ability to return the cassette ID for the DAT media where the audio data can be found.

08 December 2023

We have successfully implemented OKTA authentication into our CallFinder On-Prem solution in line with the customer's security requirements.

Congratulations and well done to the team for their quick turnaround to the customer's request.

22 July 2023

We have successfully integrated Telstrat recorders into our CallFinder solutions. Customers now have the option of migrating their Telstrat recordings into our CallFinder On-Prem or Cloud solutions.

Congratulations and well done to the dev team for their amazing work.

13 December 2022

The team have successfully secured a 5 year contract to provide Momentum Metropolitan with our Azure Callfinder solution.

Congratulations and well done to the whole team for your perseverance and commitment to the product.

The project is scheduled to begin on the 6th March 2023.

18 November 2022

CallFinder received an updated Graphical User Interface with the addition of a real-time spectrum analyzer and an elegant solution for duplicated metadata records.

Some of the platform and security components were also updated to stay current and the demo site has been made available for our sales partners to demonstrate the Cloud playback option.

8 June 2022

DSV Logistics, a client of Pivotal Data's, went live today with a custom built Web portal for handling Genesys IPA proccessing requests.

It replaces a previous portal which was insecure and could not be upgraded.

28 March 2022

The IOT device under development for SmartLink has passed all the safety and EMC testing required for SABS and ICASA certifications.

The device will go for modification and re-testing because some of the components have been withdrawn from the market or there are large delays in their logistics chains.

25 November 2021

Pivotal Data took delivery of a custom built web application and the source code for their client CCISA. The application performs a similar function as CallFinder but uses a Pivotal Data library for only retrieving the encrypted Genesys recordings.

17 August 2021

Today we welcome Pivotal Data to our family where we have entered into a partnership to provide application software development services to their clients in the contact centre industry.

We look forward to providing our value adding services to their customers and to a long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationship.

7 June 2021

Work-In-Sight required a new web applicaion that can handle their scheduling and staff search engines.

We are creating and maintaining a new web application to allow subscribers to search for candidates and book times in the candidates schedules. Two-Factor systems ensure that all participants in a booking are notified and agree. The whole site is secured to ensure that private data remains private.

The application includes a search engine together with tools and indicators to help Optometry practices find staff quickly when they need them.

18 March 2021

Momentum Metropolitan began the proof-of-concept of our CallFinder solution to search, retrieve and playback recordings from their NICE recording platforms.

Our solution transcodes the NICE Media Files on the fly and can be played through any Internet Browser anywhere, anytime through our secure, POPI compliant portal.

17 March 2021

Hollard needed the Edcon call recordings moved to their existing platform.

Our NASMAT software was used to expidite the transfer of the recordings to a movable NAS device that was then shipped to Hollard's environment and ingested into their internal solution.

1 March 2021

CL3 Industries (Pty) Ltd has been officially registered with the CIPC today.

Registration Number: 2021/428528/07

20 November 2020

Verisec and their client, Anglo American PLC needed a solution to enable remote workers to submit their HR documentation without having to report in person to the HR department.

Our SpeedScan+ software was modified to work with the imported high-speed scanners and have been deployed to more than 50 machines throughtout the mine. It takes advatntage of our Web Scanning API, that allows the Scanning software to be triggered from another desktop or web application.

3 March 2020

SmartLink Solutions and Geyserlink required a complete re-design of both the hardware and the code base for their "Internet Of Thing" device.

We are supplying the firmware for their new device along with a fast and secure, dashboard and control web application. Designed with utility scale in mind, the solution provides for remote monitoring and control for any device requiring up to 30 Amps of current.

1 December 2019

SimpleRentals4U have chosen us to develop a new web application to handle their rental listings and rental management processes.

We have created and are maintaining a new web application to ease the management of rental properties and secured it to ensure that private data remains private.

The application includes a search engine and picture gallery together with accounting tools to make managing rental properties a breeze.